hi! welcome to my video game multi-muse blog. i am not affiliated with any of the video game production studios or actors mentioned on this blog and i do not claim to own any characters!i am strictly mutuals-only and highly selective in who i follow back. if i follow/follow you back, that means i want to write with you! don't be intimidated, i love talking to other writers out of character and hearing them gush about the muses they write. keep in mind i will only follow you back if you are 18+.my activity is going to be rather low on this blog. while this multi-muse is the only blog i currently run, i have real-life responsibilities that hold precedence over roleplaying. if i lack the mental or physical energy on a particular day, you most likely won't see me online. most of the time though i am lurking, trying to keep my asks/replies in order. i tend to lose things pretty easily, so if you are waiting an ask response or a thread reply don't be afraid to (gently ... pls) remind me!i've been writing on tumblr for quite some time now and i've seen the accepted etiquette grow and change. still, general roleplaying etiquette applies to this blog. please don't follow me if you have no intentions on interacting with my muses, practice reblog karma, softblock OR hardblock me to break the mutual, don't spam the dashboard with ooc posts, reblogs, or uncut posts! if godmodding is previously discussed ooc, i don't mind it, but please do not just start randomly godmodding! in regards to call-out posts or drama, i really try to keep that kind of stuff to a minimum on this blog. however, if you EVER see me interacting with an abuser/racist/lgbtphobic person, please let me know privately. odds are i wasn't aware and i'll remedy my mistake as soon as possible.in regards to actual formatting and icons, i don't really care! i have my own fancy way of formatting replies with smalltext, bolding and italicizing, borders, etc. but sometimes the chore of formatting replies is just too much for me. if i'm having a particularly busy/taxing day, i might not format my replies at all! and when it comes to how my rp partners format their replies and icons, do whatever you'd like! if my way of formatting or my style of icon is difficult to read/see, please let me know and i will accommodate you when we write!
i feel like it must be stated that most of my canon character portrayal is going to be heavily headcanon influenced or just straight up canon divergent. i've been in some of these roleplay communities for nearly 5 years, so i've adopted my own storyline/character arcs for certain muses that may be completely unrecognizable against canon! even so, i've developed a bunch of muses for these canon divergent muses that put them into a canon compliant scenario, so you can totally request certain verses whenever you want!i love all sorts of shipping dynamics, whether it be romantic or familial or platonic. i think they add a lot to writing, so don't be afraid to slip into my tumblr IMs or discord gushing about a certain ship : odds are, i completely ship it as well.also keep in mind that my blog is going to be trigger-heavy. there will be themes ranging from child abuse to internalized lesbophobia to drugging/kidnapping/death on this blog. i tag all of my triggers in the following format: [TRIGGER] CW. if you have something specific you want tagged please let me know!i claim ownership of my meta/headcanons, and the graphics and icons that i've made for this carrd/tumblr. i do not own the photos in these graphics, or the PSDs used on them. most of my PSDs come from deviantart, notable resources are as follows: somresources, kingsleigh, theshebb, and apocalypseresources.now that all the formal stuff is out of the way: hi! my name is emmie. some old mutuals might know me by scout, but i mostly go by em nowadays. i'm a 21 year old non-binary hispanic, you can use any pronouns when referring to me! i live in new york and i'm currently dating the lovely writer over at ghostfable. don't be afraid to ask me for my personal tumblr or my discord!
nathan prescott, life is strange canon character. canon divergent. page here.victoria chase, life is strange canon character. headcanon influenced. page here.dana ward, life is strange canon character. headcanon influenced. page here.mark jefferson, available by-request. life is strange canon character. headcanon influenced. page here.sean diaz, life is strange canon character. headcanon influenced. page here.ryan lucan, life is strange canon character. canon compliant. page here.gabriel chen, life is strange canon character. canon compliant. page here.mae borowski, night in the woods canon character. headcanon influenced. page here.jonas, oxenfree canon character. canon compliant. page here.shane, stardew valley canon character. heavily headcanon influenced. page here.arthur morgan, red dead redemption two canon character. primarily medium to high honor. page here.jane romero, dead by daylight canon survivor. canon divergent. page here.muses are listed in order from high activity to low activity.

a study of [ ... ] dark legacies, the abandoned youngest sibling, seeking out validation in all of the wrong places, a craving for emotional intimacy.
i think something dark is living down in my heart.
name nathan joshua prescott
aka nate, rott, twitch
faceclaim cameron monaghan during his time in shameless U.S.
birthday august 29, 1994 (virgo sun)
gender cis male, he/him pronouns
orientation heterosexual
residence arcadia bay, OR (verse-dependent)
diagnoses schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type. diagnosed at 11.
distinguishing features sunken in, tired blue eyes. in the summer, a splattering of freckles across face and arms. bruises or cuts on cheekbone or bridge of nose.parents sean and caroline prescott. both in their early 50s. once a marriage full of love, sean now focuses on his multiple businesses while caroline spends most of her days in florida.
siblings martin prescott, 18 at time of death. kristine prescott, alive, currently 25. she left home at 18 and has never looked back.
pets in future verses, a pitbull named quavo. licensed as an emotional support animal.

a study of [ ... ] gender exploration at a young age, internalized lesbophobia, society's toxic standards of productivity, child attachment disorder.
oh, all i've ever wanted was a life in your shape.
name victoria maribeth chase
aka vic, icky vicky, tori
faceclaim hunter schafer in euphoria
birthday november 14th, 1995 (scorpio sun)
gender transwoman, she/her pronouns
orientation closeted lesbian
residence arcadia bay, OR (verse-dependent)
diagnoses anorexia nervosa diagnosed in middle school, currently in recovery. child attachment disorder never officially diagnosed.
distinguishing features manicured. manicured all over. every move made is thoroughly calculated. face full of makeup, hands lotioned and taken care of. entire outfits that cost more than your rent.parents nicholas and anya chase, both in mid-to-late forties. met in college studying art history and design. now the marriage is more like a partnership as they collab in the chase space. (art gallery in seattle, WA.)
siblings none. anya never wanted kids, but victoria was a welcome surprise. their future as art collaborators was looking uncertain so they decided to try becoming parents. the chase space blew up in victoria's young childhood and the focus left her immediately.
pets a grey persian ragdoll cat named avedon.
a study of [ ... ] dismantling misogynistic ideals, teenage pregnancy and abortion, separating yourself from the oppressors, the trauma of a friend's suicide.
when i'm away from you, i'm happier than ever.
name dana elizabeth ward
aka n/a
faceclaim jessica sula
birthday july 11th, 1995 (cancer sun)
gender cis woman, she/her pronouns
orientation bisexual
residence arcadia bay, OR (verse-dependent)
diagnoses n/a
distinguishing features always seen with a smile illuminating her face. 3c hair commonly in a loose bun or ponytail. loud laughs in school hallways and befriending anybody she can.parents derek and tabitha ward, both in their early 40s. high school sweethearts who married in college. tabitha fell pregnant with dana early and dropped out, became a stay-at-home mother. derek is arcadia bay's accountant and tabitha volunteers with the local church.
siblings none. dana met juliet as a child and the two girls have been inseparable ever since. dana's never felt lonely as an only child.
pets a senior goldendoodle named lucky. derek brought him home when dana was a toddler.
a study of [ ... ] a wolf in sheep's clothing, becoming a father-figure to a son you never wanted, maintaining perverted connections globally, and swallowing down the reality that you are a has-been.
i want to be honest, i want to be bad, i want to destroy you
name mark jefferson
aka n/a
faceclaim pending
birthday april 11th, 1975 (taurus sun)
gender cis male, he/him
orientation heterosexual
residence arcadia bay, OR (verse-dependent)
diagnoses psychopathy, never officially diagnosed
distinguishing features always dressed well, even while teaching. a smooth voice and manicured face, it is very easy to get close with mark. speaks calculated and knows exactly how he can play you.parents hank (henry) and lorraine jefferson. met in their early thirties and had a quick relationship leading to marriage. henry was very rough on mark and held him to impossibly high standards but eventually let up once mark became an esteemed photographer.
siblings none.
pets none.
a study of [ ... ] anti-immigrant ideals in the 21st century, death by the hands of the police, being forced to grow up and raise a younger sibling, escaping a religious cult.
and i could be the fire inside of your collapsing home.
name sean eduardo diaz
aka el diazblo loco, the wolf brothers (alongside daniel)
faceclaim michael cimino in love victor
birthday august 15th, 2000 (leo sun)
gender cis male, he/him pronouns
orientation bisexual
residence seattle, WA (traveling in most verses)
diagnoses post-traumatic stress disorder diagnosed in early adulthood
distinguishing features has been missing his left eye since he turned 17. very rarely is he seen without his eye patch. body is riddled with scars obtained from his stint traveling the western coast of the US trying to reach puerto lobos, mexico.parents esteban diaz, deceased at age 45. had been a divorced father for most of sean's life. karen reynolds, late 40s, is sean's estranged mother. there is still a lot of hate harbored towards her.
siblings daniel diaz (d.o.b 04/11/07). maintained classic sibling dynamic until his father was killed by seattle PD. sean immediately took over the role of raising daniel, and all of the hardships that came alongside that.
pets mushroom, an abandoned mutt found at a gas station. deceased.
a study of [ ... ] the sudden loss of a parent as a child, existing amongst dangerous living conditions, losing a friend so close he was your brother, coming to find out your parent is a killer.
let us lay in the sun and count every beautiful thing we can see.
name ryan lucan
aka n/a
faceclaim in-game model
birthday september 14th, 1993 (virgo sun)
gender cis male, he/him pronouns
orientation bisexual
residence haven springs, CO
diagnoses sleep terrors diagnosed in early adolesence, onset after his mother passing away.
distinguishing features towering over most people in the small town. manicured beard, well-cared for hair and skin. calloused hands from working in the mountains. soft smiles and twinkling eyes.parents jed lucan, 67. married to annette foster who died in her 40s. a very loving marriage, jed was a doting husband alongside a full-time miner. annette worked at the local school as the school nurse. her death was sudden and impacted the entire community.
siblings n/a. jed and annette had ryan late in their lives.
pets various pets during his childhood (hamsters, fish)
a study of [ ... ] calls to child protective services concerning your father, keeping a list of everybody you've wronged, reuniting with a loved one, dying to bury hidden secrets.
hey, you gotta pay your dues before you pay the rent.
name gabriel chen
aka gabe
faceclaim in-game model
birthday december 2nd, 1993 (sagittarius sun)
gender cis male, he/him pronouns
orientation bisexual
residence haven springs, CO
diagnoses reactive attachment disorder, treated in his adolescence. recovering pretty well.
distinguishing features a smile and a face that anybody can grow to love. people look at him and feel a sense of companionship. he's tall and all goofs. signature is his hugs, all warm arms.parents jun and giang chen. giang (better known as wendy) died in her late 30s. jun (aka john) wasn't prepared to handle the loss of his wife and their two children so john abandoned them during gabe's late adolesence.
siblings alex chen. they weren't the closest growing up, constantly teasing each other, and CPS separated them as gabe was almost an adult when their father abandoned them. after 8 years, they reunite.
pets n/a
a study of [ ... ] adult expectations weighing you down, a violent incident in high school never quite leaving you alone, questioning your own sanity, surrendering to the black hole in the center of the universe.
a haunted house with a picket fence, to float around and ghost my friends.
name margaret borowski
aka mae
faceclaim kiersey clemons
birthday may 8th, 1997 (taurus sun)
gender nonbinary, they/them pronouns
orientation pansexual
residence possum springs, PA
diagnoses anxiety, depression, and depersonalization-derealization disorder. diagnosed after the "incident" in which mae snapped and beat andy cullen's head in during a school softball game.
distinguishing features short and out of shape with self-proclaimed "nightmare eyes." baggy clothes and hair kept short so it's out of the way when they climb to rooftops. chewed nails and bags under their eyes.parents candy and stan borowski. both in their mid-to-late 40s. marriage is full of love, even though they work on different schedules. stan works long days and looks forward to coming home to his wife. they both worked hard to send mae to college.
siblings n/a
pets bird, a pet cardinal. mae calls him "trash bird."